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110 result(s) for "Facebook (Firm)"
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Facebook, the media and democracy : big tech, small state?
\"Facebook, the Media and Democracy: Big Tech, small state? examines Facebook Inc. and the impact that it has had and continues to have on the media and democracy around the world. Drawing on interviews with Facebook users of different kinds and dialogue with politicians, regulators, civil society and media commentators, as well as detailed documentary scrutiny of legislative and regulatory proposals and Facebook's corporate statements, the book presents a comprehensive but clear overview of the current debate around Facebook, and the global debate on the regulation of social media in the era of 'surveillance capitalism.' Chapters examine the business and growing institutional power of Facebook as it has unfolded over the fifteen years since its creation, the benefits and meanings that it has provided for its users, its disruptive challenge to the contemporary media environment, its shaping of conversations, and the emerging calls for its further regulation. It considers Facebook's alleged role in the rise of democratic movements around the world as well as its suggested role in the election of Donald Trump and the UK vote to leave the European Union. The book argues that Facebook, in some shape or form, is likely to be with us into the foreseeable future: how we address the societal challenges that it provokes, and the economic system that underpins it, on a global basis, will define how human societies demonstrate their capacity to protect and enhance democracy and ensure that no corporation can set itself above democratic institutions\"-- Provided by publisher.
Federal Rules of Platform Procedure
Tech platforms serve as private courthouses for disputes about speech, lodging, commerce, elections, and reputation. After receiving allegations of defamatory content in top search results, Google must decide between protecting one person's public image and another's profits or speech. Amazon adjudicates disputes between consumers and third-party merchants about defective or counterfeit items. For many small businesses, layoffs and bankruptcy hang in the balance. This Article begins to uncover the processes that these platforms use to resolve disputes and proposes reforms. Other important businesses that intermediate, such as credit card companies ruling on a disputed charge between a merchant and consumer, must by federal law provide timely notice, a reasonable investigation, and other procedural minimums. In contrast, platforms have almost unfettered discretion. Under intense public pressure, Facebook recently began building an independent oversight board that can overrule content moderation decisions. But whether other platforms will follow is unclear, and Facebook's oversight board has significant limits. If the largest platforms face limited competition while serving as the primary arbiters of disputes in the information age, they warrant mandated procedures as did financial institutions before them. The procedures would aim to improve the administration of justice through public accountability and separation of at least one of platforms' executive, legislative, and judicial powers.
\It Was our Home and Sadly We Will Never Return\: Nostalgia and the Circulation of Images in Lebanese Jewish Virtual Communities
By focusing on photographs pertaining to Beirut's historic Jewish neighborhood and central synagogue, I address in this article the mobilization of collective nostalgia on three Lebanese Jewish Facebook groups that provide a realm for debating, challenging, and reconstructing concepts of belonging while remembering a shared homeland from the diaspora. Furthermore, I explore how the nostalgic circulation and sharing of family photographs and anonymous snapshots of the community's pre-Civil War life privileges a particular perspective on how life once was, and by excluding other realities from both the photographic frame and historical narrative, creates a community history through which to imagine the future.
Economist video. What drives Mark Zuckerberg?
Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, is one of the richest and most powerful men in the world. His position seems unassailable, so why does he run his business empire as though it’s under constant threat?
20 great career-building activities using Facebook
This title guides readers through exercises to educate them on the limits and possibilities of sharing. Focusing on tools to build skills, it covers creating multimedia content and devising and strategizing for a marketable brand presence as an individual or on behalf of a business or organization, providing a step-by-step pathway to social media literacy and considering social media from a critical position while evaluating privacy, reputation, and appropriate content.
FastText Quick Start Guide
Facebook's fastText library handles text representation and classification, used for Natural Language Processing (NLP). Most organizations have to deal with enormous amounts of text data on a daily basis, and efficient data insights requires powerful NLP tools like fastText. This book is your ideal introduction to fastText.
Food-sharing practices online in the Facebook group Cambridge bay news
Cambridge Bay News is a popular Facebook group that residents of Iqaluktuuttiaq use to communicate within the town. Many members also use the group to share country food with others. Our paper looks at residents' practices of sharing food on Cambridge Bay News and the impact these practices have on relationships within the community. Comparing these practices with oral history and anthropological accounts of Inuinnait sharing practices, we examine how food sharing is changing relationships within Iqaluktuuttiaq and between people and the land in response to ongoing colonial practices.